Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Building Bridges in Mount Airy

Today I am sharing a letter from my friend, Rita Misra. Rita and I share similar passions regarding schools and recreation as it relates to small town life.

Four years ago, I definitely would not have called Rita my friend. Rita was a staunch advocate against the ever famous Zeltman annexation that I strongly supported.

We were both able to see past those differences and quickly reach consensus when we worked together on the Committee for Schools. While analyzing the possibility of bringing a regional school to Mount Airy, we recognized right away that although our challenges in each county were indeed different, we both shared the same philosophy and ideology; bringing schools within the communities they serve.

Over the past four years I have gotten to know Rita and have come to greatly respect her views and advocacy for our Town. I am proud to call Rita my friend.

The same goes for many people in Town who I have come to know after the 2006 election. We have such a vibrant community filled with many residents who feel very strongly about the Town they so love. It is for that reason I feel compelled to reach out to each and every citizen of this great Town and emphasize that we must come together. I have said it this in many public statements; we must stop drawing lines in the sand.

Rita originally wrote this letter to the editor of the Carroll County Times and the Frederick News Post. However, they are no longer accepting letters regarding Mount Airy's election. Rita agreed to allow me to publish this message on the Mount Airy Blog.

Thank you Rita!

Peters Better Qualified to Manage the Town

I live in Mt. Airy. In 2005 I actively opposed the Zeltman annexation because I believed the agreement tied to it did not account for the impacts associated with bringing substantially more homes to town.

On Monday, I will be voting for one of the Council members who supported that annexation, Wendi Peters, in her bid for Mayor. Let me try and explain why:

Both mayoral candidates are good neighbors and both should be honored for their years of dedicated service on behalf of the town. But at this juncture, I believe Ms. Peters is better qualified to manage the town and bring more voices to the table.

Ms. Peters did not move to Mt. Airy to “get away” from anywhere. She grew up in Mt. Airy, went to school to get a political science degree and train as a paralegal, and then returned to raise her son in the house in which she was raised. Although her son attends Frederick County schools she graduated from South Carroll High; this gives her unique insight into the complexities of improving facilities and services in a town split between two counties. Ms. Peters has also witnessed, firsthand, the transformation of Mt. Airy from a small rural town to what some now describe as a bedroom community. I believe she understands the challenges associated with preserving all of our existing neighborhoods, while enhancing opportunities, and keeping taxes low.

I am concerned by the lack of rigor and consistency in the recommendations made by the other mayoral candidate during his recent term on the Planning and Zoning Commission. For example, last year P&Z recommended against the annexation of an 8 acre parcel that has long been designated as future growth area, surrounded by densely developed property within town. P&Z decided this parcel should only be annexed as “passive open space'” effectively shutting the door to proposed economic and recreational opportunity that the majority of citizens have consistently expressed the desire for. Only months later, P&Z recommended annexation of a 600 acre parcel that was never included in the town’s Master Plan, which includes no open spaces designated for public use, but which includes over 200 homes, aging roads, and a variety of commercial entities. Furthermore, it was recommended that the 600 acres be annexed under zoning that encourages low density residential sprawl.

At a time when revenues are plummeting and public safety and educational funding is being cut, I believe it is more important than ever to elect a mayor who will bring together a broad cross section of citizens, staff, county and state representatives, and even investors, so that we can preserve the best of what we have and pave the way for a brighter future for our children.

Rita Misra

Town of Mt. Airy resident

1 comment:

  1. Best Blog in Maryland.
    (even in politics)
