Friday, June 17, 2011

Rockinberg Showing Leadership? Please!!!!!

Where's The Water?
You know it’s bad when they call in the “big guns.” Where has Todd Eudy been hiding? Under a rock? Isn’t he the guy who barely shows up for Water and Sewer Commission meetings, but Pat Rockinberg and gang argue he can stay on even though the council developed rules and guidelines for such instances. Well, yes…I believe he’s the guy. 


In this weeks Gazette, Eudy states 
“I appreciate how he (the Mayor) frequently references and carries out the vision of our residents as reflected in the 2007 Town Survey.”
Let’s gets one thing straight. The 2007 survey was analyzed only for political purposes serving the Rockinberg anti-growth, anti- business political machine agenda. If Rockinberg was really behind what the residents wanted, he wouldn’t have promoted a “not in my back yard” response to the Rigler Annexation proposing a community center. A community center that 63% of the residents said they wanted in the infamous 2007 survey. 

Mount Airy will be much better represented when the new survey is completed by the Be Local, Mount Airy group. Results will be analyzed objectively by those who do not have an agenda or a political ax to grind.   

In 2006, Eudy did nothing but bring hate to our community. Divide and conquer was his motto. He savagely attacked three council members who worked tirelessly for this community trying to bring the amenities that this community needed and still does. I’ve made many friends on the"other side" since that time I would never want this community to go backwards in time. The kind of venom and animosity Eudy brings to the table is what we all must stand up against and demand better. I hope residents will see Eudy for what he really is, a shit stirrer, and understand the reasons why he is suddenly surfacing--there's an election year coming right up. 

Do you remember “The Quorum?”  How could you forget? Well, one could argue that’s exactly what we have now with Pyatt, Strong and Helt; Helt being the wild card for sure. You never know which way the wind is blowing with Helt, but typically and as of late…it blows towards Rockinberg and gang. (BTW, who he has positioned in every commission and every nook and cranny of our Town’s government.) 

This new “Quorum” is anti-economic development and developer, anti business, anti work where you live if possible, anti collaboration of all stakeholders in the community, and with the exception of Helt on occasion, have shown they are not willing to embrace different ideas, solutions, recommendations and suggestions in order to work together to solve problems. 

They don't even accept the notion that we have any problems.

Leaders have vision. Leaders can see things from all angles and embrace different ways of looking at a situation, issue or problem. Leaders embrace their team and work with each person to develop a healthy, strong, professional relationship among colleagues.

Those are not the traits of our current Mayor. 

Don’t agree with his opinion? He will write a letter to the editor instead of discussing in a mature, business like, adult manner. If you write a letter regarding your opinion, he sicks one of  his goons after you. (Eudy, Blatchford, Basement Boy Falletta, Curley) Want to obtain documents under Freedom of Information as a resident? He will charge you. Want to be annexed in to Town (not a resident) he will go to bat for you! (Hmm. I wonder what the politicians were going to get in return?) 

You may think he’s doing a bang up job, but I ask you this Mount Airy; Since he’s become Mayor...

  • Has he fostered an environment where business feels confident? NO. 
  • Has he worked with MAMSA, Economic Development and the Planning Commission to create a strong foundation where business is encouraged and welcomed into our community? NO. 
  • Has he utilized the 2007 survey and it’s findings to bring a community center or something for teens to do? NO. 
  • A middle school for Frederick County? NO.  (In fact, he didn't even know that the Frederick County students no longer attended New Market Middle.)
  • Has he taken the steps to come up with solutions to Mount Airy’s long standing infrastructure problems, such as Water, Sewer and Traffic? NO. 

There’s been much discussion lately about our “reserve” funds. The reserve funds have been sitting, earning interest from impact fees developers are required to pay for FUTURE INFRASTRUCTURE. 

Wake up Mount Airy. Those funds aren't for emergencies or to balance the Mayor’s Budget. Those funds are a promise to YOU, the residents who  have been waiting for two decades for Mount Airy to get with the program and fix it’s infrastructure problems. 

Shame on you, Todd Eudy or anyone else who thinks this Mayor is showing leadership. Real leadership starts with action; not false promises, lots of empty talk…. and most of all, spin.


  1. You use the term "shit stirrer" in this blog entry. I've never heard that term. What does it mean? You're a real class act using a foul term like that.
    Why do you hate so? What happened to make you so bitter and filled with venom?

  2. If only you were brave enough to show your true identity. There's no venom...just passion to take my town back! Come on anonymous...what are you afraid of?

  3. Anonymous, it is very easy, under the cover of a "nom de pleur" to comment any way that one wants to because nobody will stop you on the street and ask you about your comment. Have the "doo-dads" to stand up and make your comments in public, using your real name and be accountable. In this country, it is still ok to dissent....
